1. The Ferio Tego Timeless Supreme 554 is a heritage cigar that was originally released in 2012 as the Nat Sherman Nicaraguan. Keeping its original blend, this box-pressed Nicaraguan puro sports a mouthwatering dark chocolatey maduro wrapper. Upon lighting this full-strength, full-bodied robusto offers warm notes of coffee, chocolate, cocoa, and it is accented with noticeable hints of spice for an invigorating yet pleasing smoking indulgence. The Ferio Tego Timeless Supreme is handmade at the Plasencia Cigars factory in Nicaragua.
2. Ferio Tego Summa Gordo Cigars a more than the typical big ring smoke. Each one is a nuanced experience that balances its flavors with its strength. A blend this balanced proves Ferio Tego is here to stay. Constructed from a regal blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan long fillers, capped with soothing Ecuadorian Sumatran binder, and finally rolled into a spiced Ecuadorian Corojo wrapper. Once lit it provides the sumptuous taste of espresso, black pepper, buttered toast, charred oak, and vanilla. At six inches, and a robust sixty ring gauge, the Gordo provides well over an hour of premium smoking pleasure.
3. The Metropolitan Selection are a classic collection of premium cigars that embody the most traditional expressions of their origins. Many of these blends were created more than 25 years ago, yet are painstakingly maintained year after year, and remain some of our best-selling premium cigars. A new presentation of an old-world Nicaraguan experience. Smooth and rich satisfying blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos with Volcanic terroir.
4. The Metropolitan Selection are a classic collection of premium cigars that embody the most traditional expressions of their origins. Many of these blends were created more than 25 years ago, yet are painstakingly maintained year after year, and remain some of our best-selling premium cigars. One of the best-selling premium cigar experiences on the American market. Smooth, mellow and sweet, the absolutely perfect host of a cigar.
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